Installing pgcopydb

Several distributions are available for pgcopydb.

debian packages

Binary packages for debian and derivatives (ubuntu) are available from repository, install by following the linked documentation and then:

$ sudo apt-get install pgcopydb

RPM packages

The Postgres community repository for RPM packages is and includes binary packages for pgcopydb. The way packages are built for RPM based systems means that the user needs to choose which version of Postgres pgcopydb was built with. In practice this doesn’t have much importance, because libpq is meant to be compatible with many different Postgres server versions.

After following the instructions for installing the repository, in this example in a Docker image for Rocky Linux (docker run --rm -it rockylinux:9), then we get the following:

# dnf search --all --quiet pgcopydb
======================== Name & Description & URL Matched: pgcopydb ========================
pgcopydb.x86_64 : Automate pg_dump | pg_restore between two running Postgres servers
pgcopydb_11.x86_64 : Automate pg_dump | pg_restore between two running Postgres servers
pgcopydb_12.x86_64 : Automate pg_dump | pg_restore between two running Postgres servers
pgcopydb_13.x86_64 : Automate pg_dump | pg_restore between two running Postgres servers
pgcopydb_14.x86_64 : Automate pg_dump | pg_restore between two running Postgres servers
pgcopydb_15.x86_64 : Automate pg_dump | pg_restore between two running Postgres servers

Docker Images

Docker images are maintained for each tagged release at dockerhub, and also built from the CI/CD integration on GitHub at each commit to the main branch.

The DockerHub dimitri/pgcopydb repository is where the tagged releases are made available. The image uses the Postgres version currently in debian stable.

To use this docker image:

$ docker run --rm -it dimitri/pgcopydb:v0.14 pgcopydb --version

Or you can use the CI/CD integration that publishes packages from the main branch to the GitHub docker repository:

$ docker pull
$ docker run --rm -it pgcopydb --version
$ docker run --rm -it pgcopydb --help

Build from sources

Building from source requires a list of build-dependencies that’s comparable to that of Postgres itself. The pgcopydb source code is written in C and the build process uses a GNU Makefile.

See our main Dockerfile for a complete recipe to build pgcopydb when using a debian environment.

Then the build process is pretty simple, in its simplest form you can just use make clean install, if you want to be more fancy consider also:

$ make -s clean
$ make -s -j12 install